Jan 25, 2023
Nicole is going royal in this month's celebrity reading. Today, she is going to unpack Prince Harry's Human Design chart. You'll get a glimpse into Meghan and the rest of the royal family too as she breaks down key areas of their design.
A few of the important points she'll cover are:
This episode is a great illustration for all of us on how unexpressed emotions and operating out of our wounding can create lasting repercussions. Nicole will share how this has played out for Harry, but more importantly, how we can utilize the tools Human Design provides to avoid that low expression of our design and move into healing and high frequency.
Find out more about the brand new membership community for Human Design enthusiasts. A space I’ve carefully curated to give you EVERYTHING you need to accelerate your understanding of Human Design and take daily action to become the most authentic, unshakeable you. Find out more and sign up now at nicolelaino.com/lab.
Be sure to visit nicolelaino.com/podcastlinks for all of the current links to events, freebies, and more!
Don't forget to enter our monthly contest where you can win your own mini reading/coaching session on the show! Leave a review for the show, take a screenshot of the review, share it on Instagram and tag @nicolelainoofficial and you're in the drawing.
If you enjoyed this week's episode, I'd so appreciate you doing a few things for me:
Learn more about your Human Design and get your full chart for free. Click here to get your free chart.
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