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Unshakeable with Human Design - A Human Design For Business Podcast

Nov 25, 2020

What would it be like to...

  • Know exactly what to say on social media to get your ideal client to respond
  • Have dream clients proactively reaching out to you to find out how they can work with you
  • Feel totally aligned with what you do so posting and engaging online is easy and effective
  • Know when to add another stream of...

Nov 18, 2020

You've probably heard that organic reach and viral engagement on major platforms like Facebook is dead. That you have to either pay for ads or spend 24 hours a day on social media to get any real engagement.

Well, I've got good news for you. Organic reach and viral engagement are alive and well on Facebook and I have...

Nov 11, 2020

One of the biggest mistakes entrepreneurs make is that they create content, courses, and programs without having a clear path to making money from these creations. That wastes your most valuable resources - time, energy and money. The antidote to this problem - funnels.

Funnels are your money-making strategy. They are...

Nov 4, 2020

If you're a coach, side hustler, or solopreneur who's ever said that you need to get organized in your business or you feel like time management is a struggle for you, this episode is gonna knock your socks off.

We're not just giving productivity tips in this segment, we're teaching you how to think like a visionary...